"I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made..." Psalm 139.14


Every year, there are movies that go on my "must-see-the-weekend-it-opens" list.
I'd like to share some with you. ^^

The Perks of Being a Wallflower. 
I kind of felt like a wallflower in high school. I was comfortable blending in, not standing out. Being in the spotlight wasn't my thing and still isn't now. I like the wall most of the time. Haha. I wish I had been more comfortable with myself in high school, but I wasn't. I mostly just wanted to be accepted for the person I was. Thankfully, I've been lucky enough to find friends who love me for being exactly who I am. This movie is going to be great. 

Les Miserables. 
Les Miserables is one of my favorite musicals of all-time (behind Wicked and Jersey Boys). The stories, characters, music, sadness...it's all pretty amazing. Love the cast for the film adaptation: Hugh Jackman, Russell Crowe, Anne Hathaway, Eddie Redmayne, Aaron Tveit. I don't really like Amanda Seyfried...but, whatever. The best part of it all - it's French! ^^