"I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made..." Psalm 139.14


I'm a hopeless romantic. It's embarrassing, but that's how I was designed. Well, maybe that's how all women were designed. I'd like to be in love - the unconditional, irrevocable kind that Bella and Edward share in the Twilight saga. The heart can be like the sorting hat from the Harry Potter books. Sometimes, you don't really have control over who you develop feelings for. Some people may say this isn't true, that you have a choice. But, maybe sometimes the love thing happens overtime. I think it has a lot to do with how much time you spend with someone. If you spend enough time with one person, you'd probably fall in love with him and not even know it.

Anyways, I leave you with my favorite scene from a movie about love. Stranger than Fiction. Flours ("flowers").

Maybe Taylor Swift's songs are super cheesy, but they speak to my heart. Afterall, I'm just a girl who wants to be in love. ^^