"I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made..." Psalm 139.14

butter & jam.

[photo courtesy of Eatsy]

jam, fruit preservatives or marmalade - it makes me happy to say these words. ^^ oh man, i miss tea time in argentina. tea is served with different types of sweets, the simplest one being butter with jam on homemade bread. yummy! oh man, maybe i need to plan a trip to argentina...there are amazing things in that country. amazing things.

jam is obviously the star of this entry. my favorite flavors are apricot and boysenberry. yup! i've always wanted to make a blood orange jam or marmalade (if you want to be fancy) and i found a recipe here! i also found a very simple jam recipe i'll probably start with. strawberry jam recipe here.

anyways, now i'm off to watch downton abbey. hehe. it's good!