"I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made..." Psalm 139.14


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I have been waiting to watch this interview with Michael Jordan for nearly two weeks. I didn't get to watch it during the All-Star weekend, so I'm watching it now. Can't believe I waited this long...

Unrelated: I really like watching players practice before a basketball game. I'm watching the All-Star game again. It's nice to see the players smiling and joking around with each other.
Posted by : Grace J. Lee


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I remember being absolutely terrified when I watched "The Last of the Mohicans" with my family a long time ago. I will never forget the emotions I felt while watching this movie - fear, anxiety, pain, sadness, hatred. I was at the edge of my seat the entire time, biting my nails and everything. Daniel Day-Lewis played the heroic Nathaniel Hawkeye in this movie and he was incredible. This is why I was so happy when Daniel Day-Lewis won the Oscar for Best Actor. He moves my heart. Here's a little clip of his awesome acceptance speech. I especially love the way he charmingly appreciated his wife.

I don't know if I'd watch "The Last of the Mohicans" ever again because it's a horrifying and heartbreaking story set during the French and Indian War. Here's one of the scenes from the movie you will NEVER forget. Just warning you, the things you're about to see are not happy things. Sorry.

Posted by : Grace J. Lee

Beautiful IX.

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Jeremy Jordan plays one of the new characters on NBC's "Smash" this season - Jimmy Collins. I "discovered" Jeremy in Broadway's "Newsies" last year. I like his voice because it's unique. He's different and I like it. ^^

I'm totally renting "Joyful Noise" this weekend to hear him sing! Hehe.
Posted by : Grace J. Lee

Books and basketball.

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Sometimes, that's all I need - books and basketball. It's just the truth. I love these photos.

Okay, back to Downton Abbey. Need to catch up!
Posted by : Grace J. Lee

What I'm reading right now.

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I'm reading three books right now. ^^
1) ESV Study Bible (for my devotionals - I'm reading through the book of Acts with my church)
2) The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern (for my mini book club with my friend)
3) Who do you think you are? by Mark Driscoll (to help me find my identity in Christ - hehe)

Books are the best.

Oh! I want to read "The Pretty One" by Lucinda Rosenfeld. Just a fun book to read, I think. Yay!
Posted by : Grace J. Lee

Elie Saab.

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Elie Saab is one of my favorite designers. His style is delicate, feminine & soft. I love his gowns. These are some of my favorites from the red carpet (I also love the people wearing them - lol): 

Jessica Alba. 

 Jessica Biel.
 Mila Kunis.
Zoe Saldana.

These are some of my favorite dresses from the runway:

Posted by : Grace J. Lee

Will you go to opening day with me?

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"Lindsey, will you go to opening day with me?"

This is the question Ben Wrightman (a die-hard Red Sox fan) asks his girlfriend in the movie Fever Pitch. Shortly after, he opens up a small box with a ticket to the opening day game for the Boston Red Sox. She says yes.

Sweetest thing ever, right? Baseball is the best. Well, aside from basketball - baseball is the best. Haha.

When I finally meet THE guy, I hope we go on many dates to basketball and baseball games. If we don't, I'd be so disappointed.
Posted by : Grace J. Lee

so beautiful.

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this dress is beautiful.

Posted by : Grace J. Lee


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i love this. so sweet and wonderful.
Posted by : Grace J. Lee

bows & things.

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i sort of started a mini side project - making bows and things. ^^ it's not an original idea (obviously). many people make bows, headbands, etc. once i'm done making a few samples, i want to mail them to my friends as "just because" gifts. the best part is, i get to use my hand carved stamp from korea. yayyy!!
Posted by : Grace J. Lee

butter & jam.

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[photo courtesy of Eatsy]

jam, fruit preservatives or marmalade - it makes me happy to say these words. ^^ oh man, i miss tea time in argentina. tea is served with different types of sweets, the simplest one being butter with jam on homemade bread. yummy! oh man, maybe i need to plan a trip to argentina...there are amazing things in that country. amazing things.

jam is obviously the star of this entry. my favorite flavors are apricot and boysenberry. yup! i've always wanted to make a blood orange jam or marmalade (if you want to be fancy) and i found a recipe here! i also found a very simple jam recipe i'll probably start with. strawberry jam recipe here.

anyways, now i'm off to watch downton abbey. hehe. it's good!
Posted by : Grace J. Lee


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I love caves. Never been in one, but I love them. I think it's because of the book, The Count of Monte Cristo. Chapter 24: The Secret Cave. Treasure in a cave? Good job, Alexandre Dumas. Hehe.

Cave climbing is on my bucket list and I know exactly where I want to do it. British Columbia, Canada. Woot woot! Maybe in 2014?? ^^
Posted by : Grace J. Lee

my first espresso.

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I made my very first espresso today and I'm drinking it right now! Wish I could give you a cup...

I've been afraid of making coffee for a very long time. Once, my dad asked me to make him a cup of coffee - so, I did. Well, sort of. Just a couple of spoons of coffee, boiling water and creamer, right? Not for me. There were coffee grounds floating in the water after I poured the hot water in. My dad walked over and just snickered.

So, yay for making my first successful cup of coffee! Excuse me, my first espresso.
Posted by : Grace J. Lee

The cinema.

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I love how British people say cinema instead of the movies, biscuits instead of cookies and chips instead of french fries. Love it.
Posted by : Grace J. Lee

the most beautiful.

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her dress was the most beautiful.


Posted by : Grace J. Lee

A tiny little book club.

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One of my friends and I are going to start a mini book club this month. Hehe. It's not really a club though, just two people independently reading the same book together and talking about it periodically. We're sending each other five books on our must-read list. Cute, huh? Anyways, here's my list and the reasons I chose them:

1) The Night Circus | by Erin Morgenstern
Reason: It's about the circus. The night circus. Enough said.
2) Death Comes to Pemberley | by P.D.James
Reason: I'm obsessed with Pride & Prejudice and this novel has an interesting twist to a story I fell in love with a very long time ago.
3) Seraphina | by Rachel Hartman
Reason: To put it plainly, I love fantasy fiction. It's my favorite genre to read along with historical fiction.
4) The Screwtape Letters | by C.S.Lewis
Reason: I secretly wish I knew everything about Christian apologetics, a rational basis for my Christian faith.
5) Gone Girl | by Gillian Flynn
Reason: Everyone needs a little suspense during the week and this novel was on the New York Times Bestseller list for 8 weeks. *I could probably live life without reading it though. Haha.
Posted by : Grace J. Lee