Thankfully, I'm a paranoid freak when it comes to buying gifts early - so, I'm nearly done. Woohoo! :) I finally started wrapping gifts today~ Check out Martha Stewart's gift wrapping ideas! I'm actually just using regular rolls of holiday wrapping paper from Target this year. :)
Some of my gifts will probably be homemade - but, this all depends on how diligent I decide to be. Haha. If I do make homemade treats, there are three recipes I'll probably use. :) Chocolate caramel popcorn (with pecans instead of macadamia nuts); Walnut snowball cookies & Kellogg's Rice Krispies. Yummy~
Anyways, good luck to you all and to all a good night. But, seriously - good luck on your Christmas shopping and gift wrapping! :) Merry early Christmas!!