"I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made..." Psalm 139.14

Things I love

  • My bullet journal
  • My pen/pencil/marker collection
  • Korean traditional music
  • Writing lists
  • 칸초 (or kancho)
  • Making Korean food
  • ㅂㅌㅅㄴㄷ
  • My home "cafe"
  • Thoughtfulness
  • Listening to music all day
  • Working from home
  • My home "office"
  • My aloe plant from my friend L
  • Growth
  • Trying new recipes
  • Sourdough bread
  • Mushrooms
  • Salt & vinegar chips
  • 팥빵 (or red bean bread)
  • Organization
  • Video editing
  • Speaking Korean
  • Clouds
  • Lip stains - YSL Water Stain in #603
  • Solo time
  • My pink NY Yankees baseball cap