"I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made..." Psalm 139.14

My not-so-glamorous morning routine.

My life is not a movie.  I never look the way I imagine Cindy Crawford does every morning.  Sad face.  It's not pretty, people.  I snooze my alarm at least twice before waking up successfully 30 minutes later, but I don't get out of bed until l check Instagram and play a quick game (that shall not be named) on my phone.  I wash my face and brush my teeth, all the while listening to Weeknd's "In the Night" on repeat. Love that song right now.  

Next comes tonermoisturizer and sunblock - the most important elements of my skincare regiment. I never leave the house without sunblock on, just as vampires never walk into sunlight without wearing a special ring for protection.  How stupid would that be?  I frantically dress for work in less than a minute and slap on some makeup before walking out the door with some kind of breakfast food in hand.  When I get to work, I quickly read theSkimm and my day officially begins.  Tada!  Impressed?  Probably not.  Oh well.  Good day!