"I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made..." Psalm 139.14

I follow blogs.

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I follow blogs because I love reading stories, finding new recipes, admiring unique photographs, finding new blogs, etc. It's just something fun to do when I'm bored. ^^

"A Cup of Jo" is one of my favorite blogs and I wanted to share a recent entry with you because it was a lot of fun to read. Don't worry, there are plenty of pictures. Enjoy!
Posted by : Grace J. Lee

driving home.

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driving home is the best part of my day. i love it. there's something wonderful about going home to peace and quiet after a busy day.

even just a year ago, i'd stay out 'til dawn hanging out with people. but, things are different now - i try to go home before 10pm~11pm on days when i'm out and i also reserve at least two days just for myself during the week. it's not that i don't love spending time with people (because i love that too) - i just need my own time, that's all.
Posted by : Grace J. Lee

a vintage find.

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found this jewel-collared blouse today. ^^ there were a few jewels missing, but i can fix that in no time. so excited to wear it!
Posted by : Grace J. Lee


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Posted by : Grace J. Lee


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I love food. I repeat, I LOVVEEEEEE food. ^^
Here's a photo log of some of my favorite snacks/meals this month. Hehe.
My homemade bacon guacamole. ^^ 

My favorite doughnut joint in Orange County - Sidecar Doughnuts.

I love the original cream puff @ Beard Papa's, but I'm going to try the éclair next time. ^^
Best lunch ever.
I'm hooked on Cuban and Peruvian food. Can't get enough of it, I crave it all the time. :/
 I love plantains.
One of my favorite meals -  Seared Albacore @ Tender Greens.
 My favorite sandwich @ Sandwich Plus - #22. Turkey, bacon & avocado. ^^
They give you whole pickles!
 A very special lunch. Steak and lobster.

Posted by : Grace J. Lee


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my friend introduced me to his amazing bacon guacamole a couple weeks ago and now, i don't think i can ever eat bacon-less guacamole again. haha. i think i'm going to use this recipe to make guacamole after work tomorrow. yay! perfect guacamole. ^^ for dessert, maybe i'll make banana bread or boysenberry pie. kind of want to try making beef stroganoff or shepherd's pie for dinner. if you haven't noticed, simply recipes is a favorite food blog of mine. =) tomorrow is my "me" day.
Posted by : Grace J. Lee

Sidecar Doughnuts.

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I can't help myself. Every week, I go to Sidecar Doughnuts' website to check what flavor doughnuts they have. It's a bad habit. This week, they have apricot with cream and black velvet with mascarpone glaze (among many other flavors).

My parents owned a doughnut shop when I was little (probably when I was in preschool/kindergarten). My mom was the baker and I was the girl who ate the dough in the mixer. Haha. My mom would tell me not to eat the doughnuts because they were for customers ONLY, but like most kids - I didn't listen. Instead, I sneaked doughnuts into the kitchen and ate them in my secret hiding place.  But, my mom would always find me with powder and sprinkles all over my face. Lol.
Posted by : Grace J. Lee

Beautiful X.

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steven yeun. charming.
Posted by : Grace J. Lee

the cambridge satchel.

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i love structured bags and i found another one i love. the Cambridge satchel in lavender. so pretty.
Posted by : Grace J. Lee


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if i could take my engagement photos anywhere, i would take them in california AND new york. yes, both. ^^ california is my home and i love it here, but i also love (x300) new york. hopefully, my future husband-to-be won't mind taking a weekend trip to new york to take a few pictures. heh heh. =)  
Posted by : Grace J. Lee

sloppy and dirty.

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"There's always going to be a part of me that's sloppy and dirty, but I like that. With all the other parts of myself." -Silver Linings Playbook
Posted by : Grace J. Lee

healthier choices.

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i woke up extra early today to pack myself lunch - strawberries, bananas and blueberries. oh, and celery with unsalted peanut butter. yup, that's it. just fruits and vegetables for a while. I might cheat a couple days a week, but for the most part - i plan on eating healthier. ^^
Posted by : Grace J. Lee

for mother and daughter.

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i bought my mom and myself matching heart necklaces for mother's day.
the necklace is very simple, so it goes with anything. i love etsy.

Posted by : Grace J. Lee


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Maybe the reason I watch shows like “Parenthood” and “Brothers & Sisters” so religiously is because I desire to be part of an extended family like the ones in these shows. Families that fight with each other, but make up an hour later. Families that don't hide behind politeness, but say what they really think and feel. Families that celebrate holidays together in harmony and joyful noise.

Posted by : Grace J. Lee

pretty wallpaper.

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pretty wallpaper. ^^

Posted by : Grace J. Lee

The Coveteur.

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I love The Coveteur's feature on Jamie Chung! Here's the link (if you're interested): http://www.thecoveteur.com/jamie_chung

I love Jamie Chung's style. She does everything right or at least the way I'd do it if I also made millions. Her shoes, accessories, bags - I love all of it.

Anyways, enjoy!

My fashion inspirations: Jessica Alba, Jamie Chung, Emma Stone, Kate Bosworth, Rachel Bilson, Alexa Chung, Diane Kruger, Olivia Palermo.
Posted by : Grace J. Lee

the smitten kitchen cookbook.

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[listening to "sweet pea" by amos lee]

hello, cookbook! i'll see you very soon. =)

i usually just look up recipes online when i want to make something, but i had to have this cookbook. the smitten kitchen cookbook. one of my friends bought this cookbook too - she'll have a husband to cook for soon. ^^

deb perelman is a successful blogger turned author, something i hope to be someday. her blog, http://smittenkitchen.com is a lot of fun to read. loveeeeee the pictures.

i'll try to blog and post pictures of recipes i try from this cookbook. no promises though.

note to self: buy a cute recipe box for collecting recipes.
Posted by : Grace J. Lee

36 hours.

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One of my friends recently bought me a really cool book for my birthday - there are pages and pages of amazing things to do in Europe, far beyond the places I had in mind. You could visit Europe every summer, even live there for twenty years and still never get to see everything mentioned in this book. But, I guess one can try. ^^

So, in preparation for my European adventure in 2014, I started flagging the places I want to visit with cute flag stickies I also got for my birthday. =)

One day when I'm a little older, you'll see this book sitting on my coffee table. I'll make you coffee from beans I picked up in Spain (heh heh) and we'll share stories with each other. Deal?
Posted by : Grace J. Lee


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I've been blogging since I was eighteen and let's just say, I was VERY different back then. Haha. I basically documented my whole life on a regular basis, something I no longer do. Before there was Tumblr or Wordpress, there was Xanga and it was meant for sharing my inner most thoughts without holding anything back. It's scary how open I used to be. I'm still open now...just not in the same way. I've just been through a lot of life, I guess. Haha. Back then, I was a doe-eyed deer kind of girl. Know what I mean? I was the kind of person I'm not anymore. Kind of miss that girl - she was sooooo much cooler. Lol. Anyways, here's a link to my old Xanga site: http://sweetchunsa84.xanga.com/
Posted by : Grace J. Lee


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the reason this card is special is because it's from my brother.

my donut cake. so delicious. maple bacon & huckleberry!

i love the first letter of my name.

favorite yogurt combination right now: plain tart yogurt, milk chocolate crunch, raspberries and almonds. thanks, michelle!

i learned how to play hanafuda and i'm pretty good at it!

good will hunting. loveeeeee.

i finally know how to play poker! i'm not very good at it, but at least i know how to play.

new addition to my room: a little mailbox.

finally got my iPad keyboard!

pretty birthday wrapping paper.

started flagging places i want to visit in Europe. yay!

my favorite plant is the cactus.
i love my iPad cover.


i have the coolest mom in the world. the kind of mom who goes to basketball games with me last minute for my birthday.
Posted by : Grace J. Lee