"I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made..." Psalm 139.14

Thank you so much.

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Thank you so much. ^^

A special bracelet to add to my daily wear bracelet collection. Yay! A Dodgers t-shirt to wear to games and to sleep. Hehe. And, my very first vinyl record to play on my awesome record player. Hooray~ Thank you so much. #greatestfriendsever

Spending my Christmas watching the Lakers vs. Knicks game. Hehe. Next year's plan: Go to a basketball game on Christmas day. There's no better place to spend Christmas than at the Staples Center. ^^ Merry Christmas!
Posted by : Grace J. Lee

I like pretty things.

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If Santa asked me what I wanted for Christmas this year, I'd tell him I'd want the Taylor Gold headphones by Frends. They're beautiful. I lost my earphones, so these headphones would be a good replacement. Expensive, but a replacement nonetheless. I like pretty things. Hehe.

Posted by : Grace J. Lee


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I finished the fifth and final class for my HR Management certificate today. Yay! I learned so much during the past four months, but I am soooooooo looking forward to sleeping in on Saturdays for a while. ^^ Yessssss~

Today was a very special day spent in downtown LA with two of my dear friends, Erin and Ryan. Thank you for giving me the best Christmas presents in the world!

My macarons & delish mimosa.

My earl grey macaron. Amazing.

The most amazing lunch at Bottega Louie.
The fanciest pizza, salad and fries I've ever had. Thank you!!

My very own rosemary plant. Hehe. Thank you!!!

A very cute card with instructions on how to make a rosemary plant happy. 

The Hobbit. Thank youuuuu!!

Can you believe all of this happened in just one day?!! Thank you for being amazing friends. Thank you for showering me with such amazing + thoughtful gifts. And, so much love. So much. ^^
Posted by : Grace J. Lee

You are my favorite.

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[Photo courtesy of Le Love]

This is cute.

The 12 months, 52 weeks, 365 days, 8,765 hours, 525,600 minutes, and 31,556 seconds that made up this year were my favorite.
Posted by : Grace J. Lee


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I'm SO thankful my brother came back from the Middle East safely. He's alive and I will forever be grateful for that. Thank you for protecting him, Father.
Posted by : Grace J. Lee


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I'm going to a special holiday screening of the movie "Elf" on Friday night. Yes, it's true! What a perfect way to start the crazy weekend! Yay~ ^^ Did I mention they're playing the movie outdoors, under the stars? They are!

You can buy tickets at: www.theocmartmix.com
Posted by : Grace J. Lee


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My flight to Korea is booked! ^^ My very first international business trip. Yay!

My to-do list for the trip: Buy a really thick + cute coat to protect me from the winter cold. Pack myself a peanut butter & jelly sandwich for the morning. Stuff my suitcase with delish American snacks. Download action movies onto my iPad so I never get bored. Fill my iPod with a bunch of songs I won't get sick of (Usher, check. Ne-Yo, check. Yup!). Take my Kindle for some reading on the plane. Hehe. Oh my gosh...I'm so excited! Another perk to this trip is I get to stay in a hotel for free!! ^^

Oh yeah! On my way home from Korea, I have a 8-hour layover in San Francisco. This means I get to spend a few hours in the city before my flight home! Yay! I get to spend hours at the Ferry Building, get crème brûlée at The Crème Brûlée Cart and go to Blue Bottle Coffee for coffee (obviously).

But, here's the best part - I get to rest an entire day before going to work! This means I get to stay in bed all day, doing absolutely nothing. Woohoo!

This is my life and it's awesome. Well, this is just part of my life...
Posted by : Grace J. Lee


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I'm a working professional, but only from 9AM-5PM. Hehe.

I work 7 hours a day and it's awesome. I thoroughly enjoy my job except on those occasional days when I'd rather be home watching James Bond movies (specifically, Daniel Craig movies).

I feel respected and rewarded as an employee PLUS I have more than enough work to keep me busy all day. The work is surprisingly fun and challenging too. I like the people I work with and it will be two years soon. Woohoo!

Anyways, back to work!

Posted by : Grace J. Lee


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My business trip to Korea was confirmed today. Yay! ^^

The main purpose of this trip is to meet with the CEO and other decision makers to discuss ideas and strategies to improve our US division. What?! Is this really happening?? Yes. Yes, it is. Hehe.

What an amazing way to start off the new year! 
Posted by : Grace J. Lee