"I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made..." Psalm 139.14

Fun times with friends.

Went to a Dodgers game on Wednesday night. The drive to LA took FOREVER, but it was well worth it. It was really fun! We got a free Clippers/Dodgers hat (yay!) + all-you-can-eat food. Had my first Dodger dog! Turns out, I can't eat that much...so, stuffing your bag is the next best option (which is what we did). Haha. I've been to SO many baseball games in the past couple years...I should just pick a team. Hmm...who though?

Got to hang out with some young ones today. Felt pretty cool chillin' with them~ Here's a photo log of my night with them. ^^ This is what you do in Irvine on a Thursday night. Heh heh.

BONUS PHOTO: This is what Belle looked like when she was resting with me today. Hehe.