"I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made..." Psalm 139.14

For the love of baseball.

 I really really love today. I had a lot of me time.  I'm watching "Rookie of the Year" as I update my blog and clean my room at the same time. It's possible...if you're not actually cleaning your room. Lol. I'm starting to like baseball a lot. Almost bought a Dodgers shirt yesterday, but they didn't have my size. Sad face. I'll just buy one at Target or something. Next time, I'll join the crowd of blue. ^^ Anyways, here's a photo log of Friday night at my second Dodgers game. So fun! 

We were sitting SO close to the field. It was awesome.
I swear Matt Kemp and Andre Eithier stared straight at me during parts of the game...haha.

Munched on some cotton candy, but it got ugly. It started shrinking and getting super sticky...never getting cotton candy at a game again. Haha.

 Fireworks made the 120-minute trip to LA worth it. Amazing.

 It was my first time walking on the baseball field. Can't believe we walked on the grass!!

We stood just a few feet from the baseball diamond. Ahhh! Can't believe it~

My favorite baseball movies: