"I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made..." Psalm 139.14

my saturday.

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had a delicious hamburger @ the counter. best $11 hamburger ever!

sushi @ angotei. i don't know what angotei means, but it was best sushi i've ever had.

 bought a bunch of boxes to organize my room. 

 made the boxes. belle decided to jump on top to pose. how cute! ^^

Posted by : Grace J. Lee

For the love of baseball.

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 I really really love today. I had a lot of me time.  I'm watching "Rookie of the Year" as I update my blog and clean my room at the same time. It's possible...if you're not actually cleaning your room. Lol. I'm starting to like baseball a lot. Almost bought a Dodgers shirt yesterday, but they didn't have my size. Sad face. I'll just buy one at Target or something. Next time, I'll join the crowd of blue. ^^ Anyways, here's a photo log of Friday night at my second Dodgers game. So fun! 

We were sitting SO close to the field. It was awesome.
I swear Matt Kemp and Andre Eithier stared straight at me during parts of the game...haha.

Munched on some cotton candy, but it got ugly. It started shrinking and getting super sticky...never getting cotton candy at a game again. Haha.

 Fireworks made the 120-minute trip to LA worth it. Amazing.

 It was my first time walking on the baseball field. Can't believe we walked on the grass!!

We stood just a few feet from the baseball diamond. Ahhh! Can't believe it~

My favorite baseball movies:
Posted by : Grace J. Lee

San Francisco!

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Yayyyy~ ^^
Posted by : Grace J. Lee

Condé Nast.

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If you asked me what my dream job was, I'd answer - working at Conde Nast Publications. If you asked me which magazine I'd want to work for, I'd tell you - Vanity Fair, Vogue or The New Yorker. If you asked me where I'd want to work forever, I'd say New York (with occasional visits to Paris). Haha.

Have you seen the movie, The Devil Wears Prada? Remember Andrea's character? Well, she's basically me. Haha. All I want to do is write.
Posted by : Grace J. Lee


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My official title at ROBOTIS, Inc. is Assistant Manager or 대리.
This is a big moment for me because I didn't have a real title for a while. Haha.
I was whatever I wanted to be. I could have called myself Batgirl.
Okay, that's a stretch...but, you know what I mean. ^^

According to my friend, it takes at least three (3) years to become a 대리 in the Korean hierarchy system. So, this is pretty cool. Hehe. 

I wonder if this is where God wants me to be...
Do I want to climb up this ladder?

Okay, back to work!
Posted by : Grace J. Lee

the first class.

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I am getting my certificate in Human Resources Management this semester at Cal State Fullerton! Just registered for my first class today. Yay! I'm excited because everything I learn will be applicable to my current job. Plus, it'll mean getting a raise and being better at what I already do. ^^
Posted by : Grace J. Lee

so loved.

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i'm SO lucky to have people in my life who sincerely love and care about me. it's the kind of love where they pray for me, cry with me...#sograteful it's a deep, solid connection through the soul. God has provided me with so many friends who touch my heart and make me want to cry. #solucky these people are in my life because God wants to remind me of his unconditional love. even when i'm emotional and overly dramatic, they respond to my emails and text messages with concern and love. they make time to hang out with me. they pass on words of wisdom when i'm struggling. these people are direct blessings from God. there's no other explanation. i love these people dearly. #imsoblessed      
Posted by : Grace J. Lee

He knows.

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"The peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ." (Philippians 4:7)

Thanks, God. You know me so well...
Posted by : Grace J. Lee

from afar.

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there is a person i know who i admire.
he's not exactly a friend because we don't really hang out. haha.
he barely knows anything about me and i don't really know that much about him.
but, our souls understand each other. it's weird.
maybe these things develop over time? i don't know...
Posted by : Grace J. Lee

Charles Barkley is hilarious.

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This man cracks me up. ^^

Posted by : Grace J. Lee

1/2 Day!!

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Today is my second 1/2 day of work this week. Love it!! ^^ Decided to give myself a break after 4 months of nonstop work. Watched the Korea vs. Japan game when I got home (woohoo!!!) and now I'm doing laundry. Watching the latest episodes of "Suits" while I wait. What an awesome Friday!!! ^^
Posted by : Grace J. Lee

Fun times with friends.

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Went to a Dodgers game on Wednesday night. The drive to LA took FOREVER, but it was well worth it. It was really fun! We got a free Clippers/Dodgers hat (yay!) + all-you-can-eat food. Had my first Dodger dog! Turns out, I can't eat that much...so, stuffing your bag is the next best option (which is what we did). Haha. I've been to SO many baseball games in the past couple years...I should just pick a team. Hmm...who though?

Got to hang out with some young ones today. Felt pretty cool chillin' with them~ Here's a photo log of my night with them. ^^ This is what you do in Irvine on a Thursday night. Heh heh.

BONUS PHOTO: This is what Belle looked like when she was resting with me today. Hehe.
Posted by : Grace J. Lee

The Newsroom.

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I started watching "The Newsroom" recently and ended up staying up 'til 3AM the other day watching Season 1.  I'm all caught up!  It's a very wordy show (in a good way) and fun to watch.  Fun fact: Aaron Sorkin (The Social Network, Moneyball) created the show and contributes as the primary writer.

I would love to be part of a news production team, but that would mean years of being a reporter and I know I can't handle that.  I remember fighting other reporters/writers for stories during "pitch" time in the morning, writing articles 'til 4AM sometimes, losing massive amounts of hair, crying because I wanted to quit, being stressed all the time...you get the picture, right?  Not everyone is cut out to pursue a career in news, just special people.

Turns out, I was never passionate about the news.  Haha.  It was the writing I was passionate about.

Also, newsrooms don't employ charming, intelligent Indian guys with British accents (like Dev Patel's character) OR cute, sweet, nerdy senior producers (like John Gallagher, Jr.'s character).  That's only in the movies or in this case, television shows. Dorky guys rule! ^^
Posted by : Grace J. Lee


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I promised myself I wouldn't buy anymore books this year, but I couldn't help myself. D-Wade comes to Los Angeles for his book tour in September! ^^ I've never been to a book signing, so I'm thinking about going...

They had a Kindle version at a much lower price (free shipping) + they deliver it to your Kindle the second his book is released. But, I've come to realize - real books are SO much better.

And, if you don't know who this person is - here's his info. Dwyane Wade is a professional basketball player for the Miami Heat (NBA) and plays the position of shooting guard/point guard. Well...he's MUCH more than that. ^^

Note: I'm 100% loyal to the Clippers, but I like the players I like.
Posted by : Grace J. Lee

Missing NY.

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Every couple of months, I start to miss New York like crazy. Well, maybe that's a lie...maybe I miss New York a little more often than that. Haha.

I miss different things about New York. Like today, I miss Battery Park. The park sits on the tip of the Manhattan island bordering the financial district, away from the noise of the city. A perfect place to read, walk your dog or just sit and stare at the ocean.

I miss New York food. Maybe the dining experience in New York is more amazing because of the landmarks in the city. The doughnuts, rice pudding, pizza, gelato...I can go on and on, but I'll stop.
Posted by : Grace J. Lee

miss you girls.

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[this blog is dedicated to my besties currently traveling or living elsewhere...miss you girls.]

jami. i miss you! i'm so excited you're coming back tomorrow~ ^^
can't wait to hang out with you and hear about haiti! love youuu~~   

michelle. hope you're having fun in korea! can't wait 'til you get back~
yay for michelle + grace time in san francisco! ^^ we're going to have so much fun~ muah!

 pauline. can't believe i haven't seen you in person since last summer (haha).
wish it was possible for us to grab a cup of coffee right now...
hopefully you visit in the fall! miss you~~
Posted by : Grace J. Lee

The big game plan.

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Never thought I'd be saying this, but I might be attending these eight (8) games! My fingers are crossed. All I need is for my friend to decide he wants to splurge on this partial plan too. It's actually not that expensive if you break the cost down per game. Haha. If I do end up buying these tickets, I will not buy clothes or eat out for six months. Don't want to get my hopes up, but I hope there's something to celebrate soon. ^^ Hehe.

I've never really splurged on anything like this, so my stomach kind of hurts. Haha. It probably hurts more because I JUST started a 1-year savings plan. Oh boy...
Posted by : Grace J. Lee