I started watching "The Newsroom" recently and ended up staying up 'til 3AM the other day watching Season 1. I'm all caught up! It's a very wordy show (in a good way) and fun to watch. Fun fact: Aaron Sorkin
(The Social Network, Moneyball) created the show and contributes as the primary writer.
I would love to be part of a news production team, but that would mean years of being a reporter and I know I can't handle that. I remember fighting other reporters/writers for stories during "pitch" time in the morning, writing articles 'til 4AM sometimes, losing massive amounts of hair, crying because I wanted to quit, being stressed all the time...you get the picture, right? Not everyone is cut out to pursue a career in news, just special people.
Turns out, I was never passionate about the news. Haha. It was the writing I was passionate about.
Also, newsrooms don't employ charming, intelligent Indian guys with British accents (like Dev Patel's character) OR cute, sweet, nerdy senior producers (like John Gallagher, Jr.'s character). That's only in the movies or in this case, television shows. Dorky guys rule! ^^
Posted by : Grace J. Lee