"I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made..." Psalm 139.14

Euro 2012.

Now that the NBA season is over, I'm fixated on the Euro 2012. The Euro 2012 is the European Football Championship held every four (4) years. It's a huge deal in Europe and all around the world except with Americans.

I watched the Portugal vs. Spain football match today with my coworker during lunch. Not the whole game (obviously) because it was a longgggg game. But, it ended with Spain winning the penalty shoot-out. Cristiano Ronaldo didn't even get to kick the ball because he was the fifth kicker. Why did the coach do that? I have no idea. If Cristiano had gone fourth, Portugal may have won.

Anyways, now - Spain goes to the finals. And, I'm hoping Germany will beat Italy tomorrow. My reasons? Because I dislike the Italian football team. So, victory to Germany! Overall, I will be rooting for Spain. Hehe. Sadly, I won't get to watch the game because I'll be in a very long work meeting. Sad face.