"I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made..." Psalm 139.14

glass jars of jam.

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I had the pleasure of discovering the most amazing berry jam served at a brunch restaurant on the Lower East Side in Manhattan a few months ago. It was absolutely amazing. Wish I could go back just to eat their jam and toast for breakfast. My favorites are boysenberry and apricot.

I want to give my future wedding guests little glass jars filled with boysenberry jam. Hehe.
Yes, I am obsessed with glass jars. Haha. It'll be so cute and who doesn't love jam?   

And, at each table - there will be a basket of bread and jam for guests to munch on before dinner.

Posted by : Grace J. Lee

flowers in pretty jars.

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i've been pinning a lot of things to my "future wedding" board on pinterest recently (haha).
i want to use lots of pretty flowers in simple glass jars for decoration. 
definitely want to have some purple flowers.
i'm thinking purple will probably be one of the colors i use in my wedding. 
Posted by : Grace J. Lee

Euro 2012.

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Now that the NBA season is over, I'm fixated on the Euro 2012. The Euro 2012 is the European Football Championship held every four (4) years. It's a huge deal in Europe and all around the world except with Americans.

I watched the Portugal vs. Spain football match today with my coworker during lunch. Not the whole game (obviously) because it was a longgggg game. But, it ended with Spain winning the penalty shoot-out. Cristiano Ronaldo didn't even get to kick the ball because he was the fifth kicker. Why did the coach do that? I have no idea. If Cristiano had gone fourth, Portugal may have won.

Anyways, now - Spain goes to the finals. And, I'm hoping Germany will beat Italy tomorrow. My reasons? Because I dislike the Italian football team. So, victory to Germany! Overall, I will be rooting for Spain. Hehe. Sadly, I won't get to watch the game because I'll be in a very long work meeting. Sad face.

Posted by : Grace J. Lee

hip hop tunes.

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i have no idea what they're saying in this song ('the motto' by drake), but i'm addicted.
probably inappropriate things, eh? o_O sorry for the vulgarity, in advance.

this song has a similar beat to "lob city" by tyga (the clippers' theme song). 
maybe that's why i like it. lol.

Posted by : Grace J. Lee

Just a little honey.

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Plain Greek yogurt, granola, mixed berries and a little honey. That's all it really takes to make a delicious + healthy late-night snack. Here are a few other ingredients to try with plain Greek yogurt. Yum!

1. Cinnamon + honey – A sprinkle of cinnamon and a drizzle of honey is just what you need to satisfy your sweet tooth. High protein Greek yogurt and blood sugar stabilizing cinnamon are the perfect match for the sweetness of honey because they both work to counteract the potential blood sugar spike that honey causes by itself.

2. Herbs + garlic – Add a little garlic powder and chopped fresh herbs (your choice) for an easy take on classic tzatziki dip.

3. Fruit + nuts – Instead of adding sugary granola, try adding fresh fruit like blueberries and a small handful of walnuts. The fruit will add fiber, healthy carbs, and vitamin C to your diet. Walnuts will add healthy fats and nutrients like manganese, omega 3 fatty acids, and vitamin E.

4. Roasted pumpkin seeds + allspice – Add a little spicy and savory flavors to your yogurt. Roasted pumpkin seeds are high in zinc, magnesium, and manganese. Allspice is anti-inflammatory. Together, the flavors of allspice and the pumpkin seeds have a wonderful spicy fall flavor.

5. Coconut flakes + pineapple – This is a like a (healthy) pina colada in a bowl. The coconut adds texture to the creaminess of the yogurt, and the pineapple adds a sweet a juicy kick. This is a perfect hot weather ice cream alternative.

[Courtesy of Daily Burn]
Posted by : Grace J. Lee

Beautiful VIII.

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Derrick Rose.

Posted by : Grace J. Lee

so funny.

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these commercials crack me up. every time.

Posted by : Grace J. Lee


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i love these phantom videos! derrick rose is pretty cool~

i love him. yay, derrick rose! :)
Posted by : Grace J. Lee

in between.

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it has been a lonely past six months. i never thought things would be so hard. but, of course - God has a plan and His own timing for things. the hard part is waiting.

the hardest thing was not being able to share my struggles with the people closest to me. but, as hard as it was - it built my character and faith.

for the first time in six months, i have peace about the decisions i've made. they were big decisions, so i guess it was only natural for me to struggle. if these past few months had been easy, i guess that would have been weird. i feel like my spiritual body has been through a massive beating. don't worry, it's not as bad as it sounds. it was just tough.

NOW i understand what God means by this verse: "He has made everything beautiful in its time. Also, he has put eternity into man’s heart, yet so that he cannot find out what God has done from the beginning to the end." (Ecclesiastes 3:11)

everything happens in His time. can't rush things, you gotta wait.
Posted by : Grace J. Lee

jersey boys.

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jersey boys is one of the most impressive musicals i've seen. it's different, unexpected and wonderful. i've been listening to the jersey boys soundtrack all day via pandora. haha. thinking of buying the original broadway soundtrack... 

i leave you with this video. my favorite frankie valli is jarrod spector (aka the last franki valli who sings in the video below). i saw him perform in new york in march! he's soooooo good.  

a couple more videos from this year's tony awards. just thought these performances were amazing.


the book of mormon.
this song is creepy.
Posted by : Grace J. Lee


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i went a little crazy on pinterest today. i wouldn't stay i'm addicted, but i have days (once every couple months) where i just pin everything i see online. it's sort of cool to store everything i love in one place. it's fun.
Posted by : Grace J. Lee

Jordan CP3.V

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These shoes will be my next purchase.
They're kind of expensive (haha), but I sort of have to get them.
But, I can't find these exact shoes ANYWHERE. Sad face.

Posted by : Grace J. Lee


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Part 1

Part 2

Jimmy Kimmel is ridiculous. Don't hate!
Posted by : Grace J. Lee

Yes, I did.

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This is my style. Fresh.

Coincidence & Chance Revel Dress (Orange)

 Coincidence & Chance Revel Dress (Ivory)

 BDG Classic Striped Cardigan

 Cooperative Mixed Stripe Scarf

Jewelmint Darling Audrey Earrings

I leave you with this video...
Been listening to it all day. Don't know why...
Sorry. Hah.

Posted by : Grace J. Lee