"I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made..." Psalm 139.14

My birthday.

I'd like to take some time to brag about the gifts I got this year for my birthday. Haha. Just want to remember the amazing gifts from very special people in my life.

I'm pretty sure my boss and her daughters bought these for me because I have so many piercings.
How embarrassing...
My second boss remembered that I wanted a handsfree phone kit for my car.
How thoughtful! Can't believe he remembered...I was pretty impressed.
Thank you to my mom for buying me the most beautiful bag in the world.
It can sort of be a briefcase. Sort of.
 Ben & Jerry's ice cream cake (cherry garcia is my favorite).
A special birthday card all the way from Indonesia! What?!!  
I will be learning German soon! Maybe Japanese. 
This was the #1 on my birthday wishlist, so I was very happy when some of my friends got it for me.
I'm in love with it right now.
 I can't believe my friend got me a pop-up book of one of my favorite books in the world!
So thoughtful! She bought it at Book Soup (the famous little bookstore in Hollywood).
I like candles, so candle-making is going to be so much fun!
Yay for my facial, massage and so much more! 
 Ran out of eyeshadow primer a while ago, so I was ecstatic when I got this!
 When people know you love something, they get you tons of it!
Yummy. Layer Cake Bakery has the best macarons in Irvine. They're perfect.
I've only played this game once, but it was so much fun.
Now I have my own! 
 Peet's is my favorite coffee place.
So, naturally - I LOVE this gift. 
 There was a time when I loved owls.
They're just pretty printed on things. Love this. 
 A bath set. Planning on taking this around when I travel. 
 I love movies. You have NO idea how much.
These tickets are going to come in handy when I watch movies this year.

xoxo Grace