"I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made..." Psalm 139.14

My New York Food List.

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[Just for you Jina 언니]

Housing Works Bookstore Cafe
Murray's Cheese Shop
Lombardi's Pizza
Rice to Riches
Prosperity Dumpling
H&H Bagels
53rd and 6th Halal Cart
Shake Shack
Wafels & Dinges
Gray's Papaya
Union Square Cafe
Max Brenner
Clinton St. Baking Company
Kat'z Deli
Doughnut Plant
Magnolia Bakery
*strike-through: visited
Posted by : Grace J. Lee

Lin fever.

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It all happened on the morning after the Knicks defeated the Nets on Saturday, February 4 for me. I was browsing the internet and while I was clicking away, I came across a video highlighting Jeremy Lin's swagger on the court against the Nets. It was amazing. Swoon.

The most inspiring thing about Lin is his armor-like faith. Whether you follow him on Facebook or Twitter, it is very clear that God is a huge part of this man's life. As he said,
"If you look back at my story, doesn't matter where you look, God's fingerprints are all over the place."  He loves Jesus more than basketball. Swoon. 

But, of course - he gets to train and play basketball with other amazing players like Carmelo Anthony, Amar'e Stoudemire, Tyson Chandler, Landry Fields, Steve Novak, etc. Yes, I know their names too. In your face!

I hope I get to see the Knicks play when I visit New York. Pretty please. I would love that.
Posted by : Grace J. Lee

must love dogs.

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a list of qualities i'm praying for in my future person. hehe.

must love the Lord

must have integrity
must love dogs 

must be thoughtful
must make me laugh
must love sports
must be great commission-minded
must be family-oriented
must be taller than me (bigger hands and feet than me)
must be manly (think thor, captain america - get the idea?)
must be warm-hearted and kind
must be responsible

must have a teachable heart
must be adventurous
must be attractive (to me)

so, that's the list.
Posted by : Grace J. Lee

My dad is an amazing cook.

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Not that my mom can't cook because she absolutely can.
But, this entry is to highlight my dad's passion and love for cooking.
I'll highlight my mom's passion and love in another entry. Promise!

The kitchen is my dad's home. It is his favorite place in the house apart from his bed. Haha.
His specialty is Korean and Chinese food. I LOVE his food because it's delicious. He has a special gift.

I came home today and his mouthwatering 짬뽕 was sitting in one of our big pots.
All for me!! I feel guilty for eating so late, but it was well worth it. I want more.
The bamboo slices were the best part!

In a perfect world, my dad would be the head chef at his own restaurant and my mom would be the manager. Hehe.

I hope my dad lives a really long time. I really love him. He is the kindest, funniest and most thoughtful person I know.
Posted by : Grace J. Lee

My Bucket List.

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Get married
Run a 5K marathon
(Running the SoCal Color Run on April 22nd! Yay!)

Take GREs (Studying for them now & will take them soon!)
Get into grad school
Support a child through Compassion
Get into a fight
Fall in love
Buy a bike
Learn how to sail

Go cave-climbing
Learn to scuba dive
Go to a New York Yankees game
Go to a LA Clippers game
Learn how to surf
Go to a New York Knicks game
Visit Canada, Europe, Australia, New Zealand, Egypt, South Africa

Champagne under the Eiffel Tower on New Year's
Live in a different state for a year (maybe New York? Hehe~)
Visit the following US cities: Seattle, Boston, Portland

Go to a NFL game
Go to FIFA World Cup 
Visit Hawaii & Alaska

Climb Half Dome
Buy a boat
Sleep under the stars
Watch a meteor shower
Learn a new language (Japanese or Mandarin?)
Write a novel
Buy an annual Disneyland pass
Ride the train in California
Finish reading the books on my bookshelf
Meet a blue whale
Swim with a dolphin
Learn how to dougie
Be kissed on New Year's Eve
Buy my own house
Go para-sailing
Go whitewater rafting
Become a big sister through 'Big Brothers Big Sisters'

**I will cross some things off soon + add more later!!

[This list was inspire by jennifer haejung]
Posted by : Grace J. Lee

Hotel booked!

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My hotel in New York is finally booked! TRYP Times Square South.
The hotel is a 5-minute walk from Penn Station. So convenient!
Can't believe I'll walking around New York in one month!!!
Posted by : Grace J. Lee

The Help.

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This month, I've been reading "The Help" every chance I get. I love it! I get most of my reading done during my lunch or right before I sleep. The other day, I had a panic attack because I thought I had dropped the book somewhere. Turns out, I had just left it on my desk at work. Whew! But, it's a good read.
Posted by : Grace J. Lee

The Bedford Post Inn.

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There's a little inn located just outside the city in Bedford, New York.
It's called The Bedford Post Inn.
The inn is owned and run by Richard Gere and his wife, Carey Lowell.
I'm extremely tempted to extend my stay in New York for one more day, just to stay at this inn for one night. Here's the link about the inn for your reading pleasure.
So beautiful! I can't stop looking at the pictures.
Maybe I really do need to live in New York. It's so beautiful!!
Posted by : Grace J. Lee

the watch.

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this is the watch i want for my birthday. i hope someone gets it for me. hehe.
Posted by : Grace J. Lee