"I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made..." Psalm 139.14


1. Hamilton | I've been listening to the Hamilton cast recording non-stop for weeks now and the truth is, I can't get myself to listen to anything else.  Is this what it's like to be on drugs??  I am absolutely obsessed.  This musical has inspired me to read Alexander Hamilton's biography by Ron Chernow HERE. Birthday present maybe?  Actually...fly me to New York to see Hamilton on Broadway, that would be the perfect birthday gift. 

2. Glossier | It's my favorite beauty brand right now.  I'm anxiously waiting to get the priming moisturizer and perfecting skin tint in the mail.  Thank you for the early birthday gift!  I'm actually running low on moisturizer, so it's the perfect replacement + the skin tint will give me a nice, dewy glow (something I always strive for).  NEVER take your skin for granted or your youth!  I now understand why evil villains in movies try to suck the youth from children - it makes total sense.

3. 11.22.63 | The name of Stephen King's best-selling novel about a time traveler who attempts to stop President John F. Kennedy's assassination, but also the title of a new eight-part miniseries on Hulu starring James Franco.  I like the show so far and it has inspired me to read King's novel after I read Alexander Hamilton.  So many books to read!  You see, an Amazon giftcard is really the best present for someone like me.  Teehee.

4. Harry Potter and the Cursed Child, Part I & II |  A new Harry Potter book, you say?  Yessssss!!!!  Pre-order it HERE.  It's the first story that will be presented on stage in London.  Whatttt, you say?  Yes, that's right.  Anyone want to fly to London in July for this epic moment in history?