"I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made..." Psalm 139.14

Season 5, Episode 1.

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Loved every minute.  Best family drama on television since Brothers & Sisters (except you cry more watching Parenthood).  Season 5 is off to a heartwarming + shocking start. ^^ Thank you for not being cancelled.  I'm so happy.  Thursdays are going to be the best.
Posted by : Grace J. Lee

A different way to see the city.

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I've walked through Central Park plenty of times to get to a specific museum or a coveted café, but I've never really explored the park.  So, this year - that's at the top of my list, the very top.  I figure the best way to see the park in a couple hours is to rent a bike and take in as much as I can. ^^ Plus, it's something I've never done and it's only $20 to rent a bike for two hours. Woohoo!
Posted by : Grace J. Lee

New York.

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See you in October! ^^
Posted by : Grace J. Lee

Oh, wow...

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[Photo from Cup of Joe]

Ricotta, honey & provolone crostini.  Cut a baguette into thin-ish slices and toast the bread in the oven for 7-ish minutes at 400 degrees.  If you have a toaster oven, use that!  I really need to get a toaster oven. Anyways, back on point! Then, add a spoonful of ricotta cheese, drizzle a little honey and top it off with a piece of provolone cheese.  Voila!  You have your crostini!  Yummy.  I will be using my special jar of Beekind's Wildflower honey - I bought it in San Francisco. **Random: I buy a jar of honey from the same place at the ferry building whenever I visit San Francisco. Hehe. 
Posted by : Grace J. Lee

Little Black Dress.

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Love this Line & Dot cutout dress. So pretty.

I love Maya Brenner jewelry. I love this necklace~

And, this one's pretty too.
Posted by : Grace J. Lee


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So, I kind of went crazy last month and purchased a bunch of jewelry I fell in love with. I feel a little guilty, but I won't be buying anymore jewelry for a while. I promise. ^^ Anyways, these are the pieces I'm eagerly awaiting~

My rose gold necklace with Psalm 139:14 engraved on the backside. This is the actual necklace! Etsy. 

My rose gold, Swarovski crystal encrusted ring. ^^ I've wanted a ring like this for quite sometime. So, "woohoo" for finally finding it by accident! Jewelmint. 

My sterling silver bracelet with "4" engraved in the heart. I picked "4" for my birth month, April. I would have gotten "21" engraved for my birth day, but I was only allowed to pick one number. Etsy.

Posted by : Grace J. Lee

He sings too...

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Aaron Tveit's album is finally out! It's not really an album per se, just a recording of songs from one of his mini concerts in New York. I was about to ask my brother to download the album for me, but I decided to purchase the album on iTunes instead. Gotta support those I love~ Heh heh. I really really love him. He's amaaaaaaaazing...

These are some of Aaron's earlier gigs before he got big-ish. ^^ I've probably watched these videos over fifty times. He's very...Broadway. Haha.

Run Away With Me.

Along The Way.

Seven Wonders.
Posted by : Grace J. Lee


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[Photo from A Cup of Jo]

Tomorrow, I will eat cheese. Lots of it. It's going to be awesome. 
Posted by : Grace J. Lee

For no reason at all.

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My favorite European actors:
Andrew Garfield, James McAvoy, Colin Firth, Michael Fassbender. 

My favorite American actors:
Leonardo DiCaprio, Milo Ventimiglia, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Edward Norton.

My current fashion icon:
Lily Collins.

Posted by : Grace J. Lee