"I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made..." Psalm 139.14


Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays!  Christmas, being the other.  Yes, I love the day-after sales and the precious time you spend with family.  But, what would Thanksgiving be without the food?

I made my first turkey last year and it was really good.  Not to brag, but I'm pretty sure I have the magic touch when it comes to cooking.  Haha.  I can make just about anything.  Give me any recipe and I'll prove it to you!  My family will speak on my behalf!  My favorite thing in the kitchen is the oven because it can do everything!  I will never live in a country without ovens. Never.

When my dad compliments my food, it means the most because he's an AMAZING chef.  He could have scored his own show on the Food Network if he'd been into that sort of thing back then.  I was floored when my dad got up for seconds last year because he NEVER gets up for seconds on Thanksgiving.  He doesn't really like turkey.  So, last year was a success!  Thank you for appreciating my cooking, dad!

This year, the house will smell of roasted turkey, stuffing, green beans, mashed potatoes & gravy and corn once again.  And, it'll be a little more special this year because Thanksgiving will be spent in Irvine (my very favorite place in the world).

I'm already planning out this year's Thanksgiving menu in my head.   Hehe.  I hear my mom's sigh of relief because Thanksgiving is no joke, people!  It's serious stuff.

I imagine most of my shopping will be done at Trader Joe's.  TJ's is a good place to start if you're new to the whole "cooking for Thanksgiving" thing.  I'm fairly new and TJ's has everything you need! Pumpkins and all.

I'm hungry now...