"I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made..." Psalm 139.14


Classy and fabulous. The two things a girl should be, according to Coco Chanel. 

I was inspired to design my own flats by a person I haven't met yet, but one day...I will.  I don't really have a plan or anything, just seeds of inspiration and the desire to make something.  Mostly, for fun.  I don't have any experience making shoes, so this is all going to be very interesting.  I've been scribbling away in my room (sort of) - thinking of different designs I'd love to see on my feet.  And, when I think of the perfect pair of flats - I think of excellent quality, innovative design and feminine fabrics.  And, since I love bows, lace and gems - I definitely want to incorporate them into my design somehow.

For fabric and decor, the Melrose Trading Post in Beverly Hills comes to mind.  Held every Sunday, I definitely need to take a trip up there soon.  The Antique Market at Irvine Valley College is also a great place to find vintage-ish things.  It's held the first Sunday of every month. Kind of wish they would have it more often though.

Anyways, as I go off to bed - I leave you with another quote by Chanel. “In order to be irreplaceable, one must always be different.” - Coco Chanel

My flats will be different and they will be irreplaceable. Hehe.