"I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made..." Psalm 139.14

making Him famous.

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"You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled by men" (Matthew 5:13).

My purpose on Earth is to make Him famous. I'm a candle meant to light dark places. When the world tells me to shut up, I keep sharing. Most of all, it's about love. :) Love overcomes everything, especially His love.

So, with this in mind - I will live this week victoriously.
Posted by : Grace J. Lee


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i believe each of us are inspired to act by something we keep close to our hearts.

of all the things i'm passionate about - writing and human rights stand closest to my heart. and, as it turns out - when you combine the two, you get grant writing. never thought God would lead me in this direction, but He did. surprise, grace! haha. through little opportunities here and there, He has been revealing his plan to me. it's pretty great to see Him at work in me. even though grant writing is super tedious and extremely time consuming, i know i'm going to enjoy every minute of it. my prayer: for God to make me the best at what i do. :)

human rights has always been an international issue for me, but it's an issue here. God has been opening my eyes to see the same need in the communities around me. there is so much injustice everywhere, just in different forms. so, the hope is - i'll be used everywhere as a humanitarian and grant writer. plus, i get to work with so many people who are making a difference in the world.

the most important thing i've learned is to MOVE. don't sit around waiting for Him to reveal what He wants for you. as you take little steps to seek Him, He will reveal his grand plan.
Posted by : Grace J. Lee


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Homer Price and Centerburg Tales was one of my favorite books growing up. Amelia Bedelia was pretty high on the list too. Must have read the story about the unstoppable doughnut machine a hundred times. Haha.

Growing up, my mom would drop me and my brother off at the public library after school and there, we'd read for hours. Together, we'd look up books in the card catalog (which i miss, by the way) and walk up and down the aisles, carrying as many books as we could carry. Finding a table to sit at was challenging at times, but we always found one. That's how I grew up. So, in a way - I feel sorry for kids today. They don't get to use the card catalog or look up books on a banged up, old computer.
Posted by : Grace J. Lee