"I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made..." Psalm 139.14

Mine, mine, mine!

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Posted by : Grace J. Lee

My loves.

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This is one of those posts where I list things I love.  

My daily jewelry and perfume.  Can't leave the house without them and they make me feel like a fancy lady.  Teehee.

The Mixed Berry Whip cake from Alcove Café & Bakery.  View Alcove Cafe's amazing menu HERE.  Look at all of their cakes!!  Yum~~

My last book club meeting. We started in January 2014 and through thick and thin, we made it!  I can't say I read every single book thoroughly (haha), but it was definitely a cool experience.  And, I learned that I really like non-fiction books (almost as much as I love fiction books).

While casually looking for cool things to do in Los Angeles, I came across a very cool landmark in Silver Lake - The Chandelier Tree.  Read the article about the tree HERE.  It's just one tree, but totally worth the drive.

My ugly Christmas sweater.  Found it in Little Tokyo, Los Angeles!  I also bought a Christmas light necklace at a toy store in Orange Circle.  You can buy one just like it HERE!  P.S. If you're in Little Tokyo, grab some imagawayaki at Mitsuru Cafe to-go.  They're delicious.

Sidecar Doughnuts & Coffee.  Enough said.  I recently discovered Stumptown's cold brew coffee w/ milk.  So good!  My usual drink of choice is the iced latte. 

Stir-fried green beans from ANY Chinese restaurant.  Love it.  And, I always crave some type of milk tea drink with my Chinese food.

Rose-infused beauty products.  Smells so good!

Twinkle lights in my room for a little Christmas spirit.  Keepin' them up year-round!

I've always been a dog-person, but I've come to love ragdoll cats this year.  They're adorable and awesome.

Posted by : Grace J. Lee

What about you?

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Posted by : Grace J. Lee

Kitchen in France.

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So, I finally decided to pre-order Mimi Thorisson's cookbook last week.  Her cookbook has been on my wishlist for months and months, so I'm super excited to get it at the end of the month!  #yay #sohappy #ilovefrenchfood #dinnerpartytime 

FYI, if you also pre-ordered Mimi's book (hooray!) - make sure to fill out THIS form to receive one of Oddur and Mimi's special photo prints found HERE. *Oddur is Mimi's husband (if you didn't know) and you can follow him on Instagram HERE and Mimi HEREYou're welcome!

If you don't know who Mimi Thorrison is, Click Here to visit her blog.  Hopefully, you'll understand why she's one of my favorite food bloggers. ^^  Good day!
Posted by : Grace J. Lee

My Fall 2014 Bucket List

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- Go on a trip somewhere
- Bake apple pie
- Finish reading "Is Everyone Hanging Out Without Me?" by Mindy Kaling
- Re-read "Mockingjay" by Suzanne Collins (before the movie premiere in November)
- Watch Begin Again, The Neighbors, Chef
- Re-watch The Fugitive & Devil Wears Prada
- Cook something from my "Smitten Kitchen" cookbook
- Host a fall dinner party
- Go to an indie concert
- Go to the Rose Bowl Flea Market
- Learn to make French-pressed coffee or just learn how to make good coffee
- Make my own recipe box
Posted by : Grace J. Lee


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When I was a little girl, ten or eleven years old - I used to pray for my dad to stop smoking.  I did this every night for about a year.  I didn't really understand who God was at the time - He was some all-mighty being I learned about on Sundays.  But, I knew He listened to prayers because my pastor had told me so.  With the hope that He'd hear my most important prayer - I dedicated myself to becoming my dad's personal prayer warrior.

But, a year passed by and my dad was still smoking.  So, one night I kneeled next to my bed like I always did - but, this time my prayer was a little different.  Instead of proclaiming my love, I told God I wasn't going to believe in Him anymore because my dad was still smoking.  Instead of thanking Him for giving me life, I told Him I didn't think He was listening and accused Him of not caring about me or my dad.  From that day forward, I stopped praying before meals and stopped praying before going to bed.  That was the day I decided to forget about God.  Coincidentally, my family stopped attending church shortly after.

So, why am I sharing this long-winded story with you?

My dad decided to stop smoking last Monday. Tomorrow marks his first week without smoking a single cigarette.  He buys Ice Breaker mints instead.  Do you know how crazy this is??  My dad has been smoking for 30+ years, well before I was even inside my mom's womb.

Am I afraid he might fall back into his old ways?  Yes.  But, I have hope because of Him.
Posted by : Grace J. Lee


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Posted by : Grace J. Lee

Without Jesus.

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Posted by : Grace J. Lee


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Surfing the internet is one of the coolest perks about living in the 21st Century.  Below are some of the websites I visit on a regular basis and by that, I mean multiple times a day.

1) www.parkandcube.com
Shini Park is the graphic designer and founder behind Park & Cube.  I love her style and she inspires me to be...well, more.  I also desperately want to live in Europe because of her.  She'll be in London one day, then Barcelona a few days later.  It's a wonderful life...

2) www.whatthechung.com
I love Jamie Chung's style - she inspires me to dress well on every occasion.  I've learned that it takes a lot of diligence to dress well all the time.  I'm slightly lazy when it comes to dressing myself.  I prefer rotating the same 5-6 outfits, which means I have a lot of clothes that just sit in my closet for months at a time.  When I get fixated on a particular pair of shoes or a shirt, that's all I'll wear for a while.  I can't wait until winter - it'll be all about coats, sweaters, closed-toe shoes, scarves, etc.  Haha.

3) www.westelm.com
Since moving to my own place, I've spent countless hours looking at furniture, bedding, curtains and pillows online.  It's fun.  One of the coolest things about moving out is finally using the stuff I've collected over the years like coasters, aprons, hot plates, etc.

4) www.paperfashion.net
Katie Rodgers uses watercolor to do AMAZING things~ You'll love her work.  I love her New York apartment - 500 square feet of wonderful décor and unique details.  Click Here to see what I'm talking about!

Okay, goodnight!
Posted by : Grace J. Lee

Beautiful X.

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 I fell asleep while watching Anderson Cooper speak at the Columbia School of Journalism. I really love him. He's so interesting.

Posted by : Grace J. Lee


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When I imagine my future home, these are the kind of things I think about:

The master bedroom will have lots of space and light with long windows and a high ceiling. I'll have doors that open up onto the balcony, where I'd sip iced peach tea and read a good book.

All of the bedrooms will have a crystal chandelier hanging in the center of the room. 
The first guest bedroom will be decorated like a New York loft with soft colors like cream and lilac.

The second guest bedroom will be very feminine + romantic, like a room in your aunt's house in South Carolina.

The kitchen will be rustic yet modern. Maybe a modern version of Julia Child's kitchen?

I'll run my business or non-profit organization from my beautiful home office.

I'd have an area in my home office where my guests would sit and eat mini homemade sugar cookies.
I'd have a couch by my bed. Oh, and a footstool.
My living room will be down-to-earth and comfortable yet high-class and sophisticated.
I want the hallways in my house to be spacious.

My husband will build a treehouse in the backyard where our kids will play make-believe under the stars. My children will request to watch "Hook" over and over again. Hehe. My husband and I will have occasional date nights in the treehouse while the kids are away at science camp. Heh heh.

Posted by : Grace J. Lee

I love spies.

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Posted by : Grace J. Lee

I love them.

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Posted by : Grace J. Lee

Beautiful IX.

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Simon Nessman. This guy is a BIG deal (at least in my world).

Posted by : Grace J. Lee

The truth.

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Posted by : Grace J. Lee


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I love fashion week almost as much as watching award shows.  It's awesome.

 Francisco Lachowski. Model from Brazil. Love.

 Thank you.

 Haven't used my new passport yet, but I intend to. I'm thinking...Europe or South America first. ^^
 I love eating cake in the morning. JJ Bakery in Irvine is my favorite place for light, fluffy cake. 

I'm a QuickBooks Pro master now. ^^
 The DoubleTree Hotel has the most amazing chocolate chip cookie ever. I miss it. 

 Paleyfest 2014. Veronica Mars panel. Love.
Pretty building in Los Angeles. 

 Hearts everywhere. Thank you, Drew Barrymore.
 I love pies.
 Welcome, Isaiah. :)

Holding Isaiah. I'll never get used to holding a newborn baby... 

I love Japanese food.  

This is my dream horse. 

I discovered Mag's Donuts in Irvine one day when I was craving donuts after work. They have delicious blueberry donuts and croissant donuts (aka the cronut). 

 Never knew scallop seashells were so pretty. So pretty~
 Took a painting class and loved it.

 I love bows and things. Can you tell? Haha.

 I fell in love with this chair.

When I want New York style pizza, I go to Ray's Pizza in Irvine.
Posted by : Grace J. Lee