"I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made..." Psalm 139.14

Dreaming of India.

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If I could fly anywhere tomorrow, I'd pack my suitcase and fly to India. Jaipur, India.
Posted by : Grace J. Lee

Happy Easter.

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He has risen! Jesus' resurrection is the reason we (little Christs) celebrate Easter Sunday. I was totally blessed by today's sermon - it was intellectually and spiritually stimulating. ^^ But, the coolest moment was getting to witness two people get baptized. Yay!! =)

Spent my Easter afternoon with my parents - ate lunch at Tender Greens and watched the G.I.Joe movie or as my mom calls it, the new 이병헌 movie. Haha. Ended the night by watching the season finale of The Walking Dead (one of the best shows on television).

Random: If I were a cartoon character, I'd want to be Kiki.

Posted by : Grace J. Lee

Anchorage, Alaska | British Columbia, Canada

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My mom and I have tentatively planned a trip to Europe around springtime next year, but meanwhile - I'd like to visit Anchorage, Alaska and British Columbia, Canada. There are so many things I want to do in Alaska - become friends with a moose, go salmon fishing, see a giant glacier, eat delicious crab meat, go whale watching and actually see whales. In Canada, I'd want to go cave hiking even though my body wouldn't be able to handle it. Haha.

British Columbia, Canada
Anchorage, Alaska
Posted by : Grace J. Lee

Philadelphia, PA | Baltimore, MD | Washington, DC

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In about two weeks, I'm headed to the East coast! Yay~ Pennsylvania, Maryland and the District of Columbia. Hehe. I'm excited about everything - walking around the city in the cold, visiting historical monuments, eating delicious food with friends, hanging out with my cousin and his fiance, taking hundreds of photos, checking into our hotel rooms, taking the train from city to city, using my passport wallet, watching my favorite TV shows on my iPad, reading, etc. Yay! ^^ Traveling is the best~ 

 Independence Hall - Philadelphia, PA
 Row houses - Baltimore, MD
Lincoln Memorial - Washington, DC
Posted by : Grace J. Lee


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My favorite color last year was coral. My favorite color this year is fuchsia. It's such a pretty color.

I randomly purchased a very pretty lipstick today. Matte creme lipstick by Bite in Pastille Violet. It's so pretty and I love it.

Okay, back to watching the rest of "Downton Abbey" - something horrible happened and I cried. Today was my nothing day. I needed time to take care of a bunch of stuff. I accomplished so much today!
Posted by : Grace J. Lee

A little Korean girl.

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I grew up a little Korean girl watching shows about African-American families. My friends grew up watching "Saved by the Bell" and "Full House" but I grew up watching "The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air" and "Martin" and "Sister Sister" and "Hangin' with Mr. Cooper" and "Moesha" - haha.

My other favorite shows were: "Home Improvement" and "Married with Children" and "The Wonder Years" and "Boy Meets World" and "Sabrina the Teenage Witch" - haha.

I'm proud to be a Korean-American girl.
Posted by : Grace J. Lee